By Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor
We hear what bugs people a lot – and often. One of the most common comments we’ve heard recently is when we are told “no problem” from those serving us on the phone or in person. Instead of a genuine “thank you” or something else that might be more appropriate, there are those who insist on saying “no problem.”
When a customer is asking for something, we are hearing that the general public would rather hear, “I’ll be happy to get that for you” instead of “no problem.”
Did you ever wonder where the expression “no problem” came from?
Ever been on a cruise? Well if you have, you know that if you wanted 6 more desserts, the waiter will tell you, “No problem.” In fact, everyone seems to be saying “no problem” everywhere on the ship for just about everything.
And when you come down to it, it’s not a terrible thing to say to someone. And there are those that don’t find it offensive; however, it seems as though there are many more who do! It’s not a dirty word. It’s not a swear word. It is, however, shall we say, an inappropriate word. It started in the islands and made its way to our country.
So today we’re concentrating on eliminating “no problem” and share a few other phrases that are more “customer friendly.” Let’s try using words that turn people on instead of turning them off.
Example: The other day in a restaurant I asked for some water without ice. And I got the old, “No problem.” The person with me said, “Why would getting you water without ice be a problem?” I was used to the expression so I hadn’t given it too much thought.
Yes, I thought a more appropriate answer to my request for water with no ice might have been, “Certainly. I will get that for you.” Or even mirroring my request like, “Water no ice? My pleasure.”
In our recent Friendly Voice newsletter, we asked for our readers random thoughts. We received hundreds of emails offering their random thoughts and “no problem” really bugged them.
So when you are tempted to offer up a “no problem,” it’s best you remember the public would like a genuine and simple “You’re Welcome.”
Now why is that a problem? LOL!
Give your team the tools to master these communication concepts:
- 4 steps to handle & defuse angry, upset and irate customers
- Recognize & capture cross-selling opportunities
- How to compose an effective customer service email
- Business communication for phone, email, face-to-face & chat
- How the power of attitude helps resolve challenging situations
- Essential office etiquette & workplace manners strategies
- Effectively managing differences between the generations
- Replacing Five Forbidden Phrases® w/ Positive Alternatives
- Best practices for email subject lines and address fields
- Handling ethical dilemmas the moment they appear
- The six cardinal rules of customer retention and loyalty
- The importance of delivering Business Friendly℠ service
- How to respect & communicate effectively with co-workers
- Contrasts between passive, average & proactive service
- 6 ways to improve listening skills and deliver better service
- The personal philosophies of six service superstars
- How service after the sale builds customers for life
- When to use open-ended, closed-ended, probing & echo questions
- Deploying the Power of You during interviews & appraisals
- Why bringing an ‘observable level of enthusiasm’ is so important
- The distinction between features and benefits
- To be truly sensitive and empathetic to customer needs
- Management skills to better lead, coach and mentor others
- How to conduct more effective & engaging meetings
- Avoiding weak, wimpy words in business communication
- The relationship between internal & external customer service
- plus hundreds more skills, strategies & techniques!